Riferimenti bibliografici e approfondimenti

 Lavoro e diritto:

"The Future of Labor Law: The Internationalization of Labor Relations" di Matthew W. Finkin e Guy Mundlak

"Labor and Employment Law in the EU: A Comparative Analysis" di Catherine Barnard e Simon Deakin

Lavoro ed educazione:

"The Impact of Education on Employment Outcomes" di Eric A. Hanushek e Ludger Woessmann

"Education and Employment in Transitional Economies: The Case of Eastern Europe" di Irena Kogan e Clemens Noelke

Soft skills:

"The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace" di Richard G. Weinberg e Alex J. Johnson

"The Role of Soft Skills in Leadership Development" di Daniel H. Robinson e Robert J. Harvey

Gestione della diversità:

"Diversity Management in the Workplace: Challenges and Strategies" di Astrid Reichel e Hedy A. Rosenberg

"The Business Case for Diversity Management: A Review of the Literature" di Orlando C. Richard e Nancy M. Carter

Gestione interculturale:

"Cross-Cultural Management: Concepts, Approaches, and Challenges" di David Ahlstrom e Garry D. Bruton

"Cultural Intelligence and Cross-Cultural Management" di Soon Ang e Linn Van Dyne


"The Welfare State: A General Theory" di Esping-Andersen

"Welfare and Inequality: National and International Perspectives" di David Brady e Christopher T. Jencks


"Effective Communication in the Workplace: A Review and Research Agenda" di Nickless et al.

"Communication and Its Role in the Workplace" di Dame et al.


"Employee Empowerment: An Integrative Psychological Perspective" di Arnold B. Bakker e Evangelia Demerouti

"The Influence of Empowerment on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment" di Sajid Bashir e Zahid Bashir